Northern Valley Press, Front Page
The Nature Center's beloved naturalist Marc Gussen is the recipient of the New Jersey Audubon's Informal Educator of the Year Award. On Saturday, October 21, Marc, his wife Kimberly and his mother traveled to the 3-day Fall Festival event in Cape May. Marc says he was very honored to be chosen for this award. "My goal every day is to generate excitement about the Nature Center and our natural surroundings. Even if kids don't remember everything I say, I know they will remember the fun of being outdoors and being exposed to the wonders surrounding us. Every minute that I can get them away from an electronic device and into the woods is a huge success."
The Board of Directors of the Closter Nature Center congratulates Marc on this deserved recognition and thanks him for helping to make the Nature Center the unique place that it is.

Marc Gussen receiving NJ Audubon award.