December After-School Classes 3rd – 6th Gr.

Rocks + Minerals

December’s after-school program will be about the amazing world of geology.
We will get to see the Nature Center’s incredible collection of rocks and minerals and get to make our very own crystals to take home and eat!
This program will be inside and out so please dress for the weather!

After-school classes will be 2-sessions only this month.

PreK and K Tuesdays    10th - 17th 
1st and 2nd Wednesdays   11th - 18th
3rd thru 6th  Thursdays  12th - 19th 

Time:3:45pm - 5:00pm

Cost: $30 Members, $40 NON-members 

To register online please click the blue button below and you will be taken to Community Pass, our online registration and payment system.  If you would prefer to register in person, please call Marc Gussen at (201) 750-2778 and follow directions on form below. 

2019-12-12 10:45 2019-12-12 12:00 America/New_York December After-School Classes 3rd – 6th Gr.

This month’s after school program will be about the amazing world of geology.
We will get to see the Nature Center’s incredible collection of rocks and minerals and get to make our very own crystals to take home and eat!

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